DeGroote School of Business

Graphic Design Request

We are the brand guardians of the DeGroote creative identity and offer a wide array of design services encompassing various of visual solutions.


Our Design Services and Guidelines

Our design request process typically involves several key steps to ensure a smooth and successful execution of any project. Here’s a breakdown of the typical process:

  1. Form submission
  2. Briefing meeting to align goals
  3. Research and initial conceptualization
  4. Design creation
  5. Review and approval
  6. Finalization and delivery
  7. Post-project evaluation

This structured process helps streamline communication, maintain alignment with project goals, and ensure a high-quality output that meets the requester’s expectations.

To define the goals and scope of a creative request, we need to know the why, the what, and the how behind it.

  • Why are you requesting it?
  • What are the goals?
  • How can you achieve your goals and objectives via this ask?


What We Do

We can help with a variety of graphic design-related asks. Some of the most common are as follows:


We have a collection of professional imagery capturing individuals, campus landscapes, or student groups. This can include polished headshots for faculty or staff, scenic campus visuals, or group photos showcasing the vibrant community spirit.

Social Media

Graphics tailored for social media platforms to convey specific messages, promote events or share engaging content. These visuals adhere to platform specifications and are designed to captivate audiences scrolling through feeds.

Email Headers

Eye-catching headers for email communications reflect our DeGroote brand identity and contain key information. These headers serve as the introductory visual element in email correspondence.


Dynamic audio-visual content crafted to convey a message, tell a story, or showcase a product/service. Videos can range from short, attention-grabbing clips for social media to longer-form content for website or promotional purposes.

Signage / Posters

Visual designs intended for physical spaces such as posters, banners, or signage. These graphics are optimized for print and aim to attract attention, convey information, or promote events in various environments.

Brochures / Handouts

Informative, visually appealing materials distributed in physical or digital formats. Brochures and handouts feature a blend of text and imagery, providing detailed information about services, events, or products.

Pull Up Banners

Vertical, retractable banners used for events, trade shows, or presentations. These banners are designed to be portable and visually striking, conveying key messages or branding in a concise and impactful manner.

Presentation Templates

DeGroote branded slide designs for presentations, ensuring consistency and professionalism in visual representation. These templates include slide layouts, colour schemes, and typography adhering to brand guidelines — they can be provided for PowerPoint or Canva.


We can also help with additional design needs beyond the specified categories. Things that may encompass specialized graphics, unique visual elements, or unconventional design formats tailored to specific requirements or projects.

Submit a Request

Use this form to submit a creative request. The Marketing Manager (Digital) will triage all submissions and assign work that is accepted.

Please note, we may not be able to accommodate all timeline requests as the team workload, request scope, and faculty priorities will need to be considered for all requests.



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